sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

Mountains of regrets

i decided to write this blog after reading a message from a girl i liked when i was starting my college career, pretty much telling me that we could have been friends if i opened up myself a bit to her, i regret not doing that all because i was scared of being hurt, funny thing how life is and how things happen, you meet a lot of people, you do a lot of things, but what do they all mean really.

it would be good to leave a mark on the world, do something that can help people in general, and not be someone who walked through life so quickly that no mark was left , i think there have been a lot of people who have done great things in their live that few people know of them, but when they die , all the work they have done is recognized by everyone, ok i was going off topic there i agree, so i guess there are things and oportunities that appear in life, that sometimes you take them sometimes you dont, i dont know if the same could be said about people, look at the number of persons you know, have any of them touched your life in any way, if they have how, i guess you can learn things even from a kid, since the world is full of surprises and adventure for them.

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