martes, 8 de noviembre de 2011

the little things in the road.

so ive been thinking throughout our life we meet a lot of different people, sometimes do a lot of different activities among other things, there are small moments in life some remember more than others these happen because of the little things in the road something as simple as reading a good book or just laying in the grass among other moments that why exactly am i mentioning this the answer is simple ive been remembering them. 

i still remember when i climbed a lot of stairs in a small town called salento in a department of my country colombia and at the top there was a natural viewpoint, though i ended a bit tired it was worth it to see the scenery from up there one of the few moments  i remember that still make me smile and think from time to time.

there are people that can have a repetitive speech if its mentioned more than one time and its about the same subject over and over again, so a few words a relative told me recently made me reflect on something; do we plan our life since we are little some admit to doing this but not everyone does this i admit i didnt since there are many twists and turns along the way that admittedly one wouldnt know where the road will end.

i may continue this in another entry.