domingo, 3 de enero de 2010

A look back of last year

pretty much a few days have passed since new years so i decided to make this entry about of last year and this new year too, well 09 was a great year and a ok year i discovered a lot of old and new music, saw a lot of movies and traveled a little which was ok with me.

ok so to continue this entry last year started with me looking for a place to do a practice that was obligatory to do in my career, after a short search i was able to do that it was in a retirement home that was ran by a family composed of a gerontologist, a businessman and a nurse that took on the task on taking care of at the beginning twenty elderly people and before they moved it diminished into just five people each with a different disease mainly alzheimer or parkinsons, since i decided my thesis was going to be related to the elderly i went to the home for a year and gathered lots of information concerning to that topic.

to no bore anyone with anything more college related last year was the year i got back into comics i started reading new and mighty avengers and some cable and deadpool and the new deadpool run , liked the new avengers a lot and cable and deadpool too, then later on decided to catch up on the original deadpool comic run and it was way better than the current ongoing one, i forgot that i also read the invincible iron man at least the extremis saga it was great maybe ill catch up on it later on this year, and recently i began to read all star superman and the inmortal iron fist one is considered the ultimate superman story and the other one is a relatively new comic book character.

what else saw a lot of movie but not as much as i would have wanted to, and also various youtube videos from deadpool fans and comic book geeks and general reviewers of stuff, a big laugh i got everytime i watched and infomania or supernews segment on the channel, ironically it was the year i got caught up in watching various horror movies among them i finally saw all the nightmare on elm street franchise the best of the series are the 1st , 3rd , 4th and new nightmare, in very cautious on the remake theyre making of the original nigthmare on elm street might be good or it might suck a lot, what else i discovered four internet geeks and comedians that each one reviewed different types of things the nostalgia critic old movies and sometimes top 11 about a specific topic.

the angry video game nerd bad games from different consoles, and his counterpart james r does cinemassacre where he posts his movies and his monster madness marathon recommending some of his favorite horror movies and he also does movie review which are very good, the spoony one who apparently likes to torture himself not only playing bad games intentionally but bad movies too, without his reviews i wouldnt have know of yor the hunter from the future who is a badass as is the person playing him reb brown, and this person also does blogs and reviews of movies, tv among other things.

and finally linkara who reviews bad comic books and sometimes bad video games, a very funny person his best reviews are amazon attacks, superman at earths end, mr t and the t force, countdown and silent hill dying inside, hope to see more reviews one funnier than the next.

since this year marks the end of a decade various bloggers, people, websites, etc, are doing end of the decade lists i might do one but only mentioning like a top 10 instead of a top 100 since that takes time.
if things go well id graduate from college this year or at least finish all the subjects and my professional practice and graduate next year

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