martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

todays musical landscape

it seems at this modern times that music has become a joke in part, every day a new band appears trying to continue a trend thats been ran to the ground or a breaktrough band thats trying something different for a change; the problem is in todays music scene theres a predominance of the first type of bands while the other type are sometimes ignored or become overrated, or a third option make albums that can become classic for the followers of the music genre they play.

associated with this are the flavour of the week bands that sooner or later will fade while the innovative bands prevail happens, seems the media and the music business tends to prefer some bands over others which is unequal and stupid sometimes, trends will come and go but good music never fades it lives on, been talking about mainstream music in this post but havent mentioned yet the independent scene where a trend has become particular notorious along with bands that are underrated and overrated, are the hipster bands that pitchfork praises in every one of their publications and people seem to be all over this.

obviously not everyone bases their music tastes on the mainstream or whats hip in general there are a lot of people that develop their own music taste trough time, hopefully trends will end and hipster bands will disappear to leave room for the hidden talents that few now about.

comment about what you think of the music scene nowadays and music recommendations you may have

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