domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

Christmas in November

its not strange that nowadays, christmas seems to come as early as octoner or november since starting this months almost every major or small store starts putting christmas ornaments to their establishments, an example of this was that before halloween the christmas parafernalia overcame in number to the halloween ornaments, costumes etc.

christmas now has become a business and not just a holiday that almost everyone enjoys that happens only once a year, supposedly christmas is a time of reflection and a time to be with family and friends but depending on how the year has been for you it can be a good time or bad, we remember how the year has been or just have fun visiting different places.
at least where i live theres the feria de cali as its called where people from various parts of the country to attend a wide spectre of events, from salsa dancing contests, to concerts from artists of various musical genres, thought this proved to be wrong in past years i hope this year theres more variety in what artist come here; since reggaeton is still popular here why i dont know but i hope that trend ends fast.
finally im hoping i have a good december and end of year, for the moment i know ill make a short trip to a small town called villa de leyva that has a cold weather but its very calm and peaceful, and you can buy various arts and crafts in other towns near this one.

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