jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

my vacations in l.a and san francisco

this will be a relatively long post even though im recalling two weeks but it seems like a lot happened in that time along with this some small thoughts on the places themselves.

so first thing that i remember is staying in a hotel near the lax airport it was comfortable and the people who worked there seemed nice, and the next day breakfast was how could i say improvized mainly because we ate a subway sandwich that in my case had egg and ham it was ok not a fan of breakfast foods like it but it was different.

a general opinion on the metro system of l.a i liked it its fast and comfortable, i saw buses too but never rode one.

i dont know whats so special about the chine theater i passed by there in this trip, there was a lot of people in the day i went apart from that i remember a lot of what seemed like independent rappers promoting their demos to the people interested in them.

of my trip to san francisco what i most remember is going to amoeba records which is a great independent record store.
all and all it was a good trip